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10 Ways to Develop Skills as a New Writer.

Ten concrete ways to practice your writing skills and increase your confidence (today!).

You can learn to write well (pinky promise!)

Why bother learning to write?

When I was a dietitian student, the writing we practiced was rooted in science and heavy-laden with jargon…in other words: major snoozefest.

This lack of training is a pity! We learned counseling techniques to have impactful meetings with clients face-to-face.

Writing is just as essential for registered dietitians; we must be able to express ourselves clearly and effectively if our readers are going to benefit at all from our knowledge and expertise.

Without proper communication, we cannot help our clients progress toward better health. Full stop.

10 Ways to Develop Skills as a New Writer.

Open up for ten specific and concrete ways to practice your writing skills (and feel more confident, to boot!).

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